Moudachirou Oumarou

Moudachirou Oumarou

PhD candidate in Economics

University of Montreal

Welcome to my website! I am a PhD candidate in Economics at University of Montreal. My research lies at the intersection of environmental economics and quantitative macroeconomics. I study the effect of climate mitigation policies on industry dynamics. Specifically, I study the implication of threshold-based exemptions from carbon tax and how compliance with offset credits shape the distribution of firms’ size.

I am on the 2023-2024 economics job market. I would be delighted to speak with you about my research!

  • Environmental Economics
  • Energy Economics
  • Macroeconomics
  • PhD in Economics, 2023

    University of Montreal

  • Msc in Statistics and Economics, 2018

    Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Analyse Economique, ENSAE, Senegal

  • BSc in Statistics and Applied Economics, 2015

    Ecole Nationale d'Economie Appliquée et de Management, ENEAM, Benin


Kindly email me, and I will respond within 2 days.